Monday, November 11, 2013

Alone ...

I just imagined myself in my head
Hanging hopelessly from a million plotted threads.
I'm empty and alone,
With these voices in my head.

Try imagine, Pretend it's you.
Every minute, every hour.
Self esteem going down.
And there's nothing that you can do.

Nobody is by your side.
No Mom , No Dad.
Nobody seems to care.
So you just moved on.

She's just starting life.
 Harder times are left to come.
Some say she's seeking attention,
Some said: She's just doing it for fun.

Starved, Useless
Suffering, Stressed
Disgusted, Cutting
And of-course Depressed.

My friends ?
They don't care.
My family ?
They can't help.

I can't escape it.
It stings under my skin.
Some laughed because I'm sad.
I can't find the joke .. So I never grin.

They all say I'm stupid .
"You're a crackhead"
When little they know that I'm killing myself slowly.
And one you'll find me hanging from the ceiling or
laying on my bed Dead.

That's when they will all regret what they have said.
That's when they'll realize that it wasn't a act, 
That I wasn't being someone that I'm not,
But just sad me, No pretend.